< Genesis >
- Formless world, hovering spirit
- Day 1: Light and darkness
- Day 2: Sky/atmosphere
- Day 3: Dry land, the seas, and vegetation
- Day 4: The sun, the moon and the stars
- Day 5: Living creatures in the water, birds in the air
- Day 6: Land animals and people
- Day 6: Adam made from dust and breathed into his nostrils
- Day 7: God "rested", and blessed the seventh day
- Adam names animals
- God takes Adam's rib and creates Eve
- Serpent tricks Eve to eating fruit
- Adam eats fruit
- Adam and Eve hide from God
- Adam blames Eve, who blames the Serpent
- God rebukes Adam, Eve and the serpent
- Banished form the garden
- Able offers Lamb sacrifice
- Cain offers food sacrifice but isn't accepted by God
- Cain kills Abel in a field
- God asks where Able is
- Cain is 'cursed' and leaves
- Seth is born
- Enoch taken to heaven
- Methuselah lives 969 years
- Noah
- Noah Gets instructions from God
- Builds ark
- Animals come in twos and sevens
- Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth and wives enter ark
- Angel closes door of ark
- A weeks wait in the ark
- Rains 40 days and nights
- Waited for water to go down
- Sent out Raven and Dove, which returns
- Sent out dove again after 7 days and returns with olive leaf
- Sent out dove again after 7 days and does not return
- Leave the ark
- Noah builds alter
- Rainbow covenant given
- Noah becomes drunk
- The tower of Babel built
- Languages confused
- Nationalities spread over the earth
- Call of Abram
- Abram goes to Egypt and says Sarai is his sister
- Abram and Lot separate
- Abram rescues Lot
- God promises a son and nation as numerous as the stars
- Abraham has a son, Ishmael, with Hagar
- Abram and Sari renamed by God
- Promised a son named Isaac and the covenant of circumcision
- 3 Angels visit and Sarah laughs at thought of bearing a child
- Pleads with God to spare Sodom and Gomorrah if there are, 50, 45, 40, 30, 20 or 10
- God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah
- Lots wife turned into a pillar of salt for looking back
- Abraham tells Abimelech Sarah is his sister
- Isaac born, Hagar and Ishmael sent away
- Treaty at Beersheba and 7 ewe lambs
- The Binding of Isaac as a sacrifice
- Isaac and Rebekah
- Esau born first of twins, Jacob holding onto heal
- Jacob trades Esau's birthright for stew
- Isaac calls Rebekah his sister to Abimelech
- Jacob tricks Isaac that he's Esau by wearing goats skin
- Jacob flees to Laban
- Jacob dreams of a ladder with angels going to Heaven
- Jacob works for Laban 7 years and is tricked to marrying Leah
- Jacob works another 7 years and finally marries Rachel
- Jacob has children
- Jacob breeds a strong flock
- Jacob flees from Laban
- Jacob wrestles with an angel
- Joseph receives a coat of many colors
- Joseph dreams about bowing sheaves of grain
- Josephs dreams about sun moon and stars bowing down to him
- Reuben convinces brothers not to kill Joseph, who's put in a well instead
- Joseph sold, enslaved and taken to Egypt
- Brothers show Josephs coat covered in goat blood to father
- Potiphar's wife tries to seduce Joseph
- Joseph imprisoned
- The butler dreams of a vine and the baker dreams of baskets of bread - Joseph interprets
- Joseph interprets Pharaoh's Dreams of the seven fat and seven thin cows, and the seven fat and seven scorched heads of grain
- Joseph freed and put in charge of the land of Egypt
- Seven years of plenty, then seven years of famine
- Joseph puts his brothers in prison then sends them all home, except Simeon, to bring Benjamin back. Their silver is put back in their sacks
- Brothers return with double silver and Benjamin when they run out of food again, and feast, unknowingly, with Joseph, Simeon returned to them.
- Joseph cries privately, brothers seated in order of age, Benjamin fed 5x portions
- Silver put in sacks again, and Silver cup planted in Benjamin's sack
- Joseph threatens to keep Benjamin as a slave. Judah give heart felt speech
- Joseph reunites with his family, who move to Egypt.
- Baby Moses in the Bulrushes
- Moses kills Egyptian
- Moses' exile
- The Burning Bush
- Aaron's rod becomes a serpent
- The Plagues of Egypt:
- Water into blood
- Frogs
- Lice
- Flies
- Diseased livestock
- Boils
- Thunderstorm of hail
- Locusts
- Darkness
- Death of firstborn/The Passover
- The Exodus
- Crossing of the Red Sea
- The Ten Commandments
- The Golden Calf
- Many instructions given
- The shower of quails
- The report of the spies
- Aaron's rod sprouts and bears fruit
- Balaam's Donkey talks to him
- The Death of Moses
- Rahab and the Spies
- Crossing the Jordan
- Marched around Jericho once, six days in a row
- Seventh day seven time and Jericho's walls fell
- The Sun Stands Still
- The Sign of the wet and dry Fleece
- Gideon's army reduced to Three Hundred
- Gideon's army defeats the Midianites
- Samson's riddle of the lion and honey
- Ties foxes together and sets fire
- Sampson bound, then attacks Philistines with Donkey's jawbone
- Carries city gates to top of the hill
- Samson tricks Delilah
- Samson's hair cut, eyes gouged
- Samson pushes the temple pillars down
- Ruth and Boaz
- God Calls Samuel in the night 3 times
- Samuel anoints David
- David plays harp for King Saul
- David dressed in but rejects kings aromor
- David collects 5 smooth stones kills Goliath
- Saul throws spear at David
- David and Jonathan
- Saul chases David
- David spares Saul's life twice
- Saul and the witch of Endor
- Saul takes his life
- David and Bathsheba
- The Wisdom of Solomon
- Solomon builds the Temple
- The Queen of Sheba
- Elijah on Mount Carmel
- Elijah Taken up to Heaven
- The Healing of Naaman
- Jonah spends 3 days in the Big Fish
- Jonah and the withering vine
- The trials of Job
- Esther and Mordechai
- Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Food Test
- Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
- The Fiery Furnace
- The writing on the wall
- Daniel in the lions' den
- Angel appears to Mary, and Joseph
- Birth of John the Baptist
- Birth of Jesus
- The Shepherds
- Star of Bethlehem
- Wise men and their gifts visit Herod
- Escape into Egypt
- Massacre of the Innocents
- Finding Jesus in the Temple
- John the Baptist
- Baptism of Jesus
- Temptation of Jesus
- Marriage at Cana
- Jesus & Nicodemus
- Temple Cleansing
- The Growing Seed
- Calling of the disciples of Jesus
- Miraculous draught of fishes
- Beatitudes
- Young Man from Nain
- The Two Debtors
- The Lamp under a Bushel
- Parable of the Good Samaritan
- The Friend at Night
- The Rich Fool
- Samaritan Woman at the Well
- The Wise and the Foolish Builders
- Cleansing a leper
- The Centurion's Servant
- Calming the storm
- Paralytic at Capernaum
- New Wine into Old Wineskins
- Daughter of Jairus
- The Bleeding Woman
- Commissioning the twelve Apostles
- Paralytic at Bethesda
- Man with withered Hand
- The Lord's Prayer
- Healing the blind and mute man
- Parable of the strong man
- Eternal sin
- Parable of the Sower
- The Birds of Heaven
- The Tares
- The Barren Fig Tree
- An Infirm Woman
- Parable of the Mustard Seed
- The Leaven
- Parable of the Pearl
- Drawing in the Net
- The Hidden Treasure
- Beheading of St. John the Baptist
- Feeding the 5000 - (5 loves 2 fish - 12 baskets leftover)
- Feeding the 4000 - (7 loaves and a few fish - 7 baskets leftover)
- Walking on water
- Blind Man of Bethsaida
- Confession of Peter
- Transfiguration of Jesus
- Coin in the fish's mouth
- The Little Children and Jesus
- The Lost Sheep
- The Unforgiving Servant
- The Lost Coin
- Parable of the Prodigal Son
- The Unjust Steward
- Rich man and Lazarus
- The Master and Servant
- Cleansing ten lepers
- The Unjust Judge
- Jesus and the rich young man
- Jesus and the woman taken in adultery
- The Workers in the Vineyard
- Raising of Lazarus
- Jesus and Zacchaeus
- Palm Sunday
- Cursing the fig tree
- Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's
- Widow's mite
- The Budding Fig Tree
- The Faithful Servant
- The Ten Virgins
- The Talents or Minas
- The Sheep and the Goats
- Anointing of Jesus
- Bargain of Judas
- The Grain of Wheat
- Last Supper
- Promising a Paraclete
- Gethsemane
- The kiss of Judas
- Healing the ear of a servant
- Arrest of Jesus
- Sanhedrin Trial of Jesus
- Crucifixion of Jesus
- Myrrhbearers
- Empty tomb
- Resurrection of Jesus
- Road to Emmaus appearance
- Resurrected Jesus appears to Apostles
- Great Commission
- Doubting Thomas
- Catch of 153 fish
- Ascension of Jesus
- Jesus' Ascension
- Matthias replaced Judas
- The Day of Pentecost
- Ananias and Sapphira
- Seven Greeks appointed
- The Stoning of Stephen
- Paul's Conversion of the Road to Damascus
- Peter's vision of a sheet with animals
- Conversion of Cornelius
- Paul and Barnabas' missionary journeys
- Paul's missionary journey
- John addresses the seven churches:
- Ephesus
- Smyrna
- Pergamum
- Thyatira
- Sardis
- Philadelphia
- Laodicea
- The four creatures
- Seven seals
- Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- Seven trumpets
- John measures the temple of God,
- A woman clothed in the sun
- The beasts
- The Woman dressed in purple and scarlet
- Babylon falls
- The white horse
- Jesus Second Coming
- The Saints who died are resurrected
- Satan is bound 'in the Abyss' for a thousand years
- Satan is released to deceive the nations
- Satan is thrown into the Lake of Fire
- The wicked dead are resurrected and judged
- Earth is Cleansed
- A new heaven and a new earth